Online Classes
Ethics Ops is currently developing more online ethics training. If you are one of our Beta Testers, click here.
Connecting theory and practice
This page can be used to move quickly between the theory discussions on the website of
the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics and the operational processes for seven ethics tests at EthicsOps and two case studies illustrating how the tests are applied.
The Markkula Ethics Center pages pertinent to the EthicsOps pages are provided via indented links below.
Using Ethics Tests--Introduction
Markkula Ethics Center Link: A Framework for Thinking Ethically
Markkula Ethics Center Link: What is Ethics
Markkula Ethics Center Link: Calculating Consequences
Three Rights Tests
Markkula Ethics Center Link: Rights
Markkula Ethics Center Link: Justice and Fairness
Markkula Ethics Center Link: Common Good
Markkula Ethics Center Link: Ethics and Virtue
Markkula Ethics Center Link: Consistency and Ethics
Markkula Ethics Center Link: Ethical Relativism
Two cases showing how to apply the ethics tests: